Safe Wallet for Cryptocurrency earnings

Let’s get you ready with a secure and safe wallet for your Cryptocurrencies. First you need to have the right trusted Wallet and Security Tools (listed below) to access, validate and fund from cash (USD, etc) into Cryptocurrencies. You will also need to be part of a few Exchanges (Trading houses). Start with Coinbase Below and get a great start with the biggest trading partner. Plus you will want this for receiving free bitcoin from our other AMAZING OFFERS we are sharing with you.

Register and Receive $10! Paid in Bitcoin instantly within your Coinbase account.


Go Here and set up with COINBASE.    This safe wallet is used for loading funds in, from checking accounts, credit cards and other offered exchanges. Currently COINBASE supports BTC (Bitcoin), BCH (Bitcoin Cash), ETH (Ethereum), and LTC (Litecoin). This is also the easiest way for US & Canadian citizens to load USD into Cryptocurrencies.  From here you can exchange USD into BTC, BCH, ETH or LTC and then transfer from your Coinbase Wallet to another trusted Wallet for use where needed. 

Just think… $10 in BITCOIN today can turn into several times that – all based on the future growth of BITCOIN.


You will need to get the AUTHY APP for use in verification within COINBASE (and other programs). Go here to get it. Or get it through your Apple iTunes Store or Google Play store. It works on desktop, or through your Smartphone. We recommend using it from your Smartphone as you will be able to conduct all of your COIN purchases, exchanges through your Smartphone as well as online through a Tablet, Desktop, Laptop, etc.

NOW – let’s get you going with more FREE BITCOIN. You will be able to receive Free Bitcoin Daily!

Go here to get started.